Spiritual Warfare Prep

Spiritual Warfare Prep
We Are In The Lord's Army

Monday, June 3, 2019

The Moralist

As I feed upon God's word and His thoughts, I realize that in a certain context, there are three groups of people. There are those who know the Lord and are saved from their sins, there are those who are unrepentant, and have turned their backs on God, and there are those who have a good moral standing and would call themselves Christians possibly, and think that they are saved. It is this last group that concerns me. I call these people, 'moralists'.

I do not condemn these people. And I actually admire their zeal for the truth and integrity. They stand up for what they know is true. They have an almost perfect sense of justice. They seem to see into the spiritual realm like anyone who has the mind of Christ. But I am concerned. And they don't necessarily seem arrogant.

I care about these people and don't want them to miss having a relationship with the true and living God.

It is easy to see where a person who lies or slanders, or is immoral, stands in their relationship to their spirituality. You know when a person is on the wrong side of eternity. If they had eyes to see, they would be able to see their sins clearly and repent of them. But with a moralist, it is different.

Often, I listen to or see moralists. I wonder how many of them sit in our churches every Sunday and have no clue of their need for a Savior? I wonder how many of them are in our families or our neighbors? What's even more concerning is, how we might just assume they know the Lord, just like we do.

Don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate the love that these people have for the truth. My concern is that if you were to ask them questions concerning the Gospel message, they would admit to believing that they are good people (not sinful). They don't see their sinful condition before a Holy, pure God, who they will stand before, one day. If you were to ask them if they believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins, they would answer in the affirmative. Yet, do they really see their need for salvation?

These moralists take a strong stand against abortion. They see it as murder. They fight for religious freedom in our country. They see each person as a human being created in the image of God. They see through the lies and deception of evil people. On the outside, they look perfect. And I am concerned.

Moralists are in our churches, social arenas, and in the media. They blend in with the rest of us who are fighting for the truth. I thank God for their stand and fighting for the truth. But I would be very sad if these people miss the boat when it comes to responding to the Gospel message.

May God help all of us to see Him more clearly and may God convict the moralist of his or her sins and reveal to them their need for a Savior.

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